The development of our favorite teamwork tool, And Bang, has had such a significant impact on our company’s trajectory that we wanted to take some time out during this holiday season to share some of what we've learned with our community and fellow And Bang users.
This December, we’re rolling out the first ever And Bang Advent.
We’ll highlight different perspectives and pieces of the puzzle that we’ve delightfully (and/or painfully) come across during our journey from And Bang 1.0+ to the mysterious 1.5 that we never shipped, to our present work pushing to ship And Bang 2.0.
It’s been reflecting on this path and recounting our experiences which makes us so genuinely excited to share with you what’s in store for And Bang 2.0.
So please join us over the next few weeks as we reflect on our lessons learned and count down to the next chapter of And Bang! Follow @andbang and @andyet and we'll keep you in the loop.
Also! As a concluding piece of our holiday series, we’ll be sharing a few beta invites of And Bang 2.0. You can sign up right here.
Add your email to join the And Bang 2.0 private beta invite list: