&yet & O’Reilly bring training to Fluent Conf 2015

We are excited to announce that in a month’s time, &yet is teaming up with O’Reilly to bring training to Fluent Conf 2015 in San Francisco, California.

On April 20–21, our training team will be leading three cutting edge two-day sessions on native web applications, Node Security, and WebRTC.

Henrik Joreteg and Luke Karrys, creators and core maintainers of Ampersand.js, will be teaching a course on “Building Native Web Applications.” The focus of the course is building a modern, well-structured application from scratch by combining best-of approaches and a carefully curated set of tools including Ampersand.js, React, WebPack, ES6, and Node.js. (Read more about our thoughts in Native Web Apps here.)

“Securing Node.js Apps” will be led by ^lift security Team Lead Adam Baldwin with Ampersand.js and requireSafe developer Michael “Gar” Garvin. This popular Node Security Training is a hands-on experience building, exploiting, and fixing security issues in the most used Node.js frameworks, templating engines and database drivers.

As a 15 year veteran of realtime tech, Philipp “Fippo” Hancke, is not only &yet's WebRTC lead, he's one of the world's leading WebRTC experts. He's also one of the leading non-Google contributors to the webrtc.org WebRTC library, which is used by Chrome, Opera, Google's iOS and Android WebRTC SDKs, and others. He'll be leading this new course, “Creating Production-Ready WebRTC Applications,” along with David Dias, whose master thesis was on peer to peer applications. This latest training offering begins at the start of WebRTC technology, touching on browser compatibility, and covering all the elements you need to create a realtime communications app.

For more information on Fluent Conf trainings or to register, go to fluentconf.com.

For more on &yet training, including custom-tailored training for your team’s needs, reach out at andyet.com/training.

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