Introducing SimpleWebRTC.js and

We're announcing two WebRTC projects today: SimpleWebRTC.js and

WebRTC is one of the most exciting additions to HTML5, enabling direct peer-to-peer connections for video and audio streaming. We’ve been playing with WebRTC for almost a year now, including helping clients like AT&T put it into play.

One conclusion we've come to is that WebRTC should be easier for developers to work with if it's going to gain more adoption. More people should be playing with this new amazing technology, but there's a lot of annoying complexity when working with it. As Mikeal Rogers put it, "It’s about 10x more complicated than WebSockets, and it’s taken 3 years to be where we are with WebSockets."


We created SimpleWebRTC.js to make building things with WebRTC easy for frontend developers.

You can use our sandbox servers for development. In production, you’ll need to set up your own signaling server. You can use signalmaster or we can help you get one going -- just drop us an email if you're interested.

Today we’re also launching, a video chat app for up to 6 people for you to use with your teams and people you want to have a quick video conversation with. We built with SimpleWebRTC, of course. :)

There's a nice little surprise to keep you busy while you wait, too. (Thanks, Fritzy!)


WebRTC has stabilized quite a bit recently, but it's still in flux. Chrome and Firefox Nightly support WebRTC, but we make no guarantees as this is all pretty green stuff.

Try them out and let us know what you think. We’re eager to hear your feedback!

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